Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Fine Art of Enemy Inflation

According to esteemed historian, A.J.P. Taylor, Adolph Hitler never once a) demanded Alsace-Lorraine from France, b) advocated that Germany establish overseas colonies, or c) contemplated toppling the British empire. Yes, the man was a piece of shit (though it also must be stated that the Brits and the Pinkos beat him to the punch when it came to concentration camps) but this whole construct of Hitler (who, if left to his own devices probably would have been more of a Pinochet/Mussolini/Franco/Milosevic type of strongman - bad enough but nothing even remotely resembling a Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot) as a world conqueror has been exceedingly overblown, in my opinion, and a smokescreen to a lot of horrors and atrocities that we ourselves (the Americans, Brits, Russians, and French) have perpetrated; before, during, and after the damned war.


  1. Hitler comes in worse than Lenin, but not as bad as Stalin an Mao.

    Socialists all, by the way.

    As for the other names dropped. Pinochet killed far fewer than any of the others named on the list. And certainly far fewer than Salvador Allende intended to kill during his dictatorship.

  2. Hitler's 1,000 year Reich dream seems pretty clear. And his book was a warning.


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