Tuesday, November 11, 2014

On MSNBC'S Melissa Harris-Perry Trying to Convince Us that White People Are Going on a Full-Bore Killing-Spree of Black Folks

The woman is a shameless (and apparently moronic) demagogue. As anybody can plainly tell from examining the data, black on white murder is significantly more common than white on black murder (more than two times greater and when you factor in the population difference between the two groups it mushrooms to 12:1). I mean, I know that this is a vexingly inconvenient fact that totally destroys the narrative and all but it is in fact the truth and the quicker that we jam it down the throats of race-hustlers like Harris-Perry the better -  http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/10shrtbl06.xls


  1. There are obviously some racist cops and we need to get rid of them but like you say it is hardly an epidemic and Sharpton and Harris-Perry are either stupid or they're lying.

  2. Looking at the facts of the situation, there's a much more deadly epidemic: people being killed by criminals.

    The number of murders in Chicago alone exceeds the number killed by police officers, each year.

  3. Yes, I agree on Harris-Perry, Russ. Sharpton might be more of a combination, though.............Yeah, you're right about Chicago, dmarks, and I would absolutely throw Detroit, St. Louis, and San Diego into the mix as well.

  4. No need to throw the other cities in the mix. By leaving just one city, that has a larger number of murder victims in one year than the total number of African-Americans killed by cops nationwide, proves the point.

    Also, it can be mentioned about Chicago's leftist, progressive mayor, with his strong gun control stance. No wonder Chicago is so safe.


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