Saturday, November 8, 2014

On the Image From Al Gore's Fanciful (as in Error-Ladened) Movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", Which Strongly Implies that a Closing Down of Power Plants Will Make Tropical Cyclones Disappear

It is pure and complete bullshit. Cyclonic activity HAS NOT increased and for crony capitalist idiots like Gore, Van Jones, etc. to try and assert that it has is an absolute disgrace. Yes, there have been more losses but this fact is entirely the by-product of development and has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change (man-made or natural). I mean, I know that these bozos have gotten a free-ride from the media and they themselves are fully shameless but that doesn't mean that we have to turn our brains off and, yes, check the data for yourself, folks (the fact that we haven't had a category 3 level hurricane hit the mainland for a record 9 years now, the unimpeachable graphs from Ryan Maue, Roger Pielke, etc., etc.).

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