Monday, November 10, 2014

On Hitler Trying to Convince Franco to Let Him Traverse Through Spain and Occupy Gibraltar, Franco Telling Him to Go Fuck Himself, Hitler Stomping His Teeth and Having a Tee-Tee, And Hitler Ultimately Backing Down

So, this is a world conqueror?.............................................................................................P.S. And, no, I'm not in any way saying that Hitler wasn't a thug, a brute, a tyrant, a racist, a trouble-maker, etc., etc.. I'm only trying to suggest that his threat to the world was greatly overstated and that it was idiotic beyond belief for England to have stuck their noses into (never mind giving a war guarantee) the complicated relationship between Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, etc..


  1. Hm, I don't think I would have liked what I think you might be suggesting had I been alive when Hitler put his plan in motion. Well actually Mein Kamph (sp ?) pretty much told those who read it his plans.

  2. The Wehrmacht easily over ran Yugoslavia and Greece: if he was
    interested, it would have done the same to Spain & Switzerland.
    It sounds as if you are suggesting that the 'Thousand Year
    Reich' would have disintegrated on its own, and that may be. But
    the occupied countries were firmly under his heel and like Japan did, they were methodically and efficiently stripped of labor,
    minerals and valuables. IMO, he would have taken Britain but for the RAF, and the entirety of the
    USSR, but for the huge US lending
    of arms and material.

  3. Hitler was a bad man, Les, but he wasn't an idiot. He saw what happened to the Kaiser when he tried to fight a 2 front war and he didn't want that to happen to Germany yet again (hence the numerous peace overtures to Britain). And as far as plans in motion go, the British plans in South Africa, Rhodesia, and India, the French plans in Algeria and Indochina, and the Russian plan in Ukraine weren't all that great, either.

  4. BB: Switzerland was Hitler's ally without being named as such. A low priority for his war machine.


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