Sunday, November 23, 2014

On Britain Winning WW2

OK, but what did they win exactly? a) They lost their empire (granted, not a terrible thing from the world's perspective). b) Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe ended up as a 45 year slave state of the Soviet thugs. And c) they continue to be beholding to the U.S. and their mediocre Presidents (Bush and Obama, the latest jokers). I don't know, it doesn't sound to me as if it was worth the cost.


  1. On the first, I agree that getting rid of the empire was good for all.. including Britain.

    It joins the ranks of little countries like Italy, Macedonia, and Mongolia for whom huge empire is just a past glory.

    But what are you implying with this? What is the alternative? What does Britain having "lost WW2" entail?

  2. I don't believe that they ever should have fought it. Them going to war over the Sudentenland would have been just like us going to war over Mexico....Oh, wait a minute, we did that.


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