Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It Smells More Like Sulfur

According to climate policy and energy expert, Roger Pielke, decarbonization in the EU-15 was occurring at an average annual rate of 1.35% per year in the 9 years leading up to the Kyoto Protocol and at an average annual rate of 1.36% per year in the 9 years following it. If this is what constitutes an effective approach to climate and energy policy, then we just might want to reassess, for Christ................................................................................P.S. And if you want a clue as to why this is happening, look no further than a 2009 French court ruling pertaining to that country's carbon tax; a ruling which had deemed the tax unconstitutional because it had fully exempted 93% of that country's industrial emissions. What do they say, back to the drawing board?


  1. I was reading an article that said in most major poll's when people are asked what they are most concerned about climate change/global warming always is at or near the bottom of their concerns.In other words most folks really don't give a shit about "climate change."

    All my life I've noticed it seems to be warmer in the summer and damn if it doesn't cool off in the winter.

  2. Rusty: I wonder if people's faith in Al Gore's fables is strongest in August and weakest in February.


  3. I understand Al Gore is again on his search for ManBearPig.

  4. I think that my favorite episode was the John Edward (the charlatan psychic) biggest douche in the universe one. Unreal hilarity.


  5. Mine was Hillary with a bomb in her vagina or Tom Cruise stuck in the closet o Paris Hilton buying Butters or when the Chinese owner of City Wok talks about his restaurant.


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