Tuesday, October 7, 2014

On Why Gay People Deserve the Right to Marry

They fight in all our wars. They serve in our police and fire departments (pulling people out of burning buildings). They teach our children and drive our ambulances. They save our lives in hospitals every day. They work as prison guards in some of the toughest facilities in the country. They patrol the border and the coastline every day. For anybody out there to even suggest that these folks don't deserve the same rights as the rest of us is as about as un-American as it gets, in my opinion.


  1. Well said. It's basic individual liberty. Period.

  2. I am looking forward to the "Shackelford" comment or rebuttal.


  3. To put your mind at ease Les....I could care less who marries who...makes no difference to me.

    To me,its like climate change/global warming...I have no interest.

  4. I had a feeling that that was your view, Russ, but I also felt that it was better for you to answer.

  5. Well, you're at least 50% this time. An improvement.

  6. Well Shackleford, at least you got 1 of 2 right this time. A marked improvement. Congratulations are in order.


  7. On Rusty's GiveaFuck O Meter neither of these two issues move the needle.


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