Sunday, September 7, 2014

Russian to the Cash-Register, Literally!

According to historian, Richard Pipes, the total number of rubles in the Russian economy just prior to WW1 was approximately 20 billion. By the end of the war it had mushroomed to over 60 billion and by the end of 1921 the total number had skyrocketed all the way to 2.3 TRILLION (an 11,400% total increase in the monetary base - take that, Mr.s Greenspan and Bernanke!). Please, if there's still anybody out there who doesn't think that Mr. Lenin was a complete and total economic illiterate (a little bit of Marx and Hilferding was the extent of his knowledge), speak now or forever hold your peace (not to mention, your wallet). 


  1. Totally off topic

    What do you think, Will, of the insane plan of the Obama IRS to punish companies for giving workers free meals?

    Not the first time left-wing government policies end up harming working people.

  2. So, whenever my facility kicks in a meal for me I'm supposed to declare that as income? Is that what they're saying?

    1. Looks like it. You tax cheat you for not declaring that Jimmy Johns' sub the company gave you for that lunch meeting.


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