Monday, September 22, 2014

On U.S. Tomahawk Missiles, Unmanned Drones, Etc. Currently Being Lobbed into Syria

Ya' happy, Senator McCain!!?.....................................................................................I'm also kind of curious as to how the hard-left reacts; you know, all of those folks who called Bush 2 a war criminal for his not securing a U.N. authorization to attack to Iraq. I'm hoping that at least some of the higher integrity ones (people like Jeremy Scahill) will show us some consistency.


  1. Four Arab countries flying missions with us in Syria. Turkey very close to being on board. The nation's with the most at stake stepping up. Damn straight, prior to this, unheard of.

    I'm no war hawk neocon, but damn, ya just have to cut Obama some slack on this one. It is looking like the man has his head in the game so to speak.

  2. The chest-beating armchair commandos still won't be happy because we're working in concert with those dirty Muslims...and not streaking in like Team America with fireworks and a Toby Keith soundtrack.

    I don't mind us raining steel on IS......I mind that we telegraphed our intentions for weeks. Obama shouldn't have uttered a word until it was Time on Target.


  3. Obama had his head in the game?
    Does that include the two Americans who lost their heads?

    Does it include all the Christians who lost their heads to ISIS?

    RN,you are truly an idiot.


  4. RN,its due to Obama's policy and rush to extract every troop from Iraq leaving no containment force there that ISIS has risen to power.

    Hell,a few months ago ISIS was the JV team in Obama's eyes....yes I agree Obama has his head somewhere,but I think it was up his ass.

  5. I just see these folks as cockroaches and U.S. bombing as whack-a-mole. I mean, does anybody really think that we won't be doing this again 18 months from now with yet another terror group that's supposedly worse than the previous one?

  6. And you know that they're going to disperse into the civilian population. That's a frigging given.......Look, maybe we should hit 'em and make it clear that if they kill another journalist or aid worker, we'll do it again. I'm just not entirely certain about it and would probably opt instead to let them and douche-bag Assad duke it out for a while.

  7. "rusb to extract every troop from Iraq leaving no containment force there that ISIS has risen to power."

    Both knowing the genesis of IS and fighting against them [as AQI]...the invasion of 2003 was the birth of the "Islamic State".

    And I really don't understand the willful ignorance of how the SOFA renewal was rejected by the Iraqi's. The facts aren't difficult to ascertain. I suppose I'll chalk it up to our lazy, drive-by media.

  8. And the fact that even seemingly smart fellows like Charles Krauthammer are spewing the misinformation makes it even more frustrating, CI.

  9. Yep. I expect it from the left. It's concerning when the same meme, myths and tautology comes from the right.


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