Tuesday, September 16, 2014

On Moronic, Immature, Crazy-Assed, Dishonest, Pathetic, Bitter, And Constantly in Need of Attention Pathetic Failures Who, Instead of Attempting to Address Their Own Inadequacies, Consistently Try to Blame Others For Their Serial Piss-Poor Predicaments

I feel for 'em but then again I don't.


  1. Well hell.......that didn't narrow it down an iota. You could be referring to just about every politician, media sock-puppet or celebu-twit.

  2. Anyone in particular in mind as you banged this one out on the keyboard?

  3. There's this psychotic douche-bag blogger who thankfully you haven't had to deal with yet, CI, and hopefully that will continue to be the case.

  4. Three guesses, Les, and the first two don't count. Seriously, though, his latest "strategy" (FINALLY realizing that I obviously don't read his comments) is to create these long meandering handles in which he basically makes his "point" in them. It's something that I would think takes a lot of time and effort (time and effort that he could instead be using to improve his human capital) and underscores yet again the absolute depravity of the idiot.

  5. That narrows it down Will. He posted under anothet alias at my site today. I released it as it had some validity. Within a couple of hours, give or take, he posted under his real self. I released it as well. You might want to check it out.

  6. He's gonna burn you again, Les. It's only a question of, when.


  7. There are makers and there are takers....dervish is the latter.

  8. Burn me Will? Ha, I'm fucking heat and flame resistant. In other words I don't give a damn, I don't care. It concerns me not. Other than I know if he does I am definitely doing something right. That knowledge gives me great satisfaction.

  9. If a man is defined by his enemies, you indeed are a good one.


  10. Come on...lets cut dervish some slack. The guy is juggling four blogs and about 50 sock puppets,I mean that takes a bit of effort.Doing all that while holding down a full time job should be recognized....wait,what...he's on the dole......never mind

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. wd is the hardest working fool engaged in accomplishing nothing I've ever seen in my
    46 years of working. The dole no doubt rewards him handsomely for his unproductive activities.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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