Thursday, September 25, 2014

On Mitch "The Bitch" McConnell's Opponent This Go-Round, Alison Lundergan Grimes (A Seemigly Legitimate Blue-Dog Moderate Democrat)

I have no idea what the third party situation in Kentucky looks like, but if the only two choices that I had were douche-bag McConnell and this lady, I'm taking her. a) She supports gun-rights. b) She opposes Obama's radical anti-coal jihad. And c) she thinks that the EPA has gone totally bonkers. And, besides, who would you rather look at for the next six years, maybe more?


  1. If I lived in Kentucky and these be the choices I'd be casting by ballot for Alison.

    McConnell would make a great pooper scooper to follow behind and clean up the poop left behind by the idiots like Gohmert, Cruz, Bachmann, and the others of their ilk.

  2. As would Reid for Grayson, Meeks, Waters, Frank, etc. on that side of aisle. Just to be fair.

  3. Fair and Balanced as one tilted cable network famously proclaims.


  4. RN,if watching FOX is so upsetting to you....change the channel.I don't think Roger Ailes would be that upset losing you as a viewer.


  5. For a "grown" man you sure do cry a lot RN.Methinks Les may be a sissy boy.

  6. LMAO at that one.

    BTW, piss off RussBucket.


  7. Someone get Lester a tissue...he's still crying like a little girl.


  8. We can forgive Les.....his home away from home is shut down...Boston Chubby isn't around to scratch his ear for healing like a good's O.K. Lester wipe away the tears.


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