Thursday, September 18, 2014

On Bombing those ISIS Scum-Suckers and Why I Still Have Reservations

a) The fact (and as I've said before) that we've been bombing that "country" for 25 now and it's still a fucking mess.............b) The fact that we'd be inserting ourselves into yet another intractable and moronic Middle-Eastern civil war - by picking sides, no less.............c) The fact that Syria is still a sovereign country and if were to start dropping bombs there absent a U.N. authorization (not that I'm a big fan of the U.N., mind you), it would probably constitute a clear violation of international law.............d) The fact that it would constitute yet another preemptive military action (yes, they killed two of our journalists but it wasn't on U.S. soil) and do I really need to remind you about what happened last time?............e) The fact that bombing ISIS in Syria would strengthen (the blood-thirsty) Assad and do we really want that on our conscience?............f) The fact that ISIS is much more of a threat to the Shiite and secular Sunni regimes than it currently is to us and do we really want to be doing countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia any sort of huge favor these days?............g) The fact that it will obviously take ground troops to re-secure territory and, being that the Iraqi infantry are a bunch of sniveling cowards, that means us and I really don't think that the American public will stand for it............................................................................................I mean, I know that President Obama is under a lot of pressure (from the public, from the media, and from the usual bomb-first suspects in the Senate; McCain, Graham, Ayotte, etc.) to do something here (with even the usually reticent Hagel chiming in) but I still kind of like the cautious approach (even though the cynic in me says that Obama is probably following the polls here and precious little else).


  1. Excellent points.
    Complex problems require serious thinking rather than the 'fools rush in' actions that pass for strategy. IMO, a global consensus
    would be required for effective action.

  2. Add to that, the new Iraqi PM [al-Abadi] has stated that he won't allow US ground forces in Iraq. Of course, the media has failed to cover this, just as they failed to cover the fact that the previous SOFA was not renewed, due again, to Iraqi opposition.


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