Wednesday, September 24, 2014

On American Foreign Policy, 2000 to Present

Between Bush's naivete, recklessness, and ham-handedness to Obama's vacillation, propensity to paint himself in a corner (on Afghanistan, Syria and chemical weapons, etc.), and seeming lack of a strategic vision, yeah, I would say that it's been pretty shitty, pretty fucking shitty.......................................................................................P.S. And for all of those childish progressives whose psychological well-being seemingly depends on Bush being worse, a) fine, Bush was worse and b) I really don't give a shit at this point. They both were bad and, I am sorry, that surge in Afghanistan was stupid, and the fact that the dude put an expiration date on it was even more stupid....The Commander in Chief, my ass.  


  1. But you have to pick a side! Don't you know the rules of the game? Think of the children!!!

    I share your disgust.

  2. Hate to say it but I'm really starting to long for the days of Clinton (Bill, more than Hillary).

  3. And what kind of a commander in chief proclaims prior to an operation, no boots on the ground? I mean, you just don't do that; telegraphing to the enemy.


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