Sunday, September 14, 2014

Judge, Jury, And (Mass) Executioner

Lenin's number one henchman wasn't Petrovsky, Trotsky, Zinoviev, or any of the other usual suspects/thugs. It was this fellow; Felix Dzerzhinsky; a Russian of Polish decent (it appears that Lenin had an affinity for ethnically diverse murderers) and quite possibly one of the toughest, cruelest men in European history. You see, folks, it was this guy who established the Cheka; the no-holds-barred and totally lawless Russian secret police whose whole purpose was to crush dissent and to do so with the greatest amount of terror possible. This "strategy" included a wholesale infiltration of every aspect of human life (big brother on steroids), mass arrests, convictions without a trial, concentration camps, hostage-taking, and of course mass/indiscriminate murder (including the murder of children and the elderly) to the tune of firing-squads working 24/7...................................................................................And talk about a militarized police force (a popular topic these days). These sons of bitches were chock to the gills with such high powered weaponry (machine guns, armored vehicles, etc.) that not only were they able to put down every peasant rebellion (and, yes, there were hundreds), they were able to annihilate them beyond belief. In fact, if it wasn't Dzerzhinsky and these brutal tactics of his, Lenin may not have ever survived and, so, yeah, I guess that you've got to give him and A+ for that.


  1. And you found someone as bad or worse than Trotsky.

  2. It's a real scrum between these guys. Based strictly on the body-count you'd probably have to go with Stalin but as you've pointed out with the blood-thirsty Trotsky and I've pointed out here with this bastard, it's a real white-knuckler.


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