Tuesday, August 5, 2014

On Why President Obama Hasn't Fired Eric Holder and Replaced Him With Somebody Like Jim Webb

I don't know, maybe because Mr. Webb is his own man and wouldn't be as inclined to carry Obama's water 24/7. That would be my hypothesis.


  1. Because Jim Webb is honorable. Holder already violated his oath to uphold the Constitution for all of us when he said he was there to help "his people", and his consistent, divisive, racist attitudes are evidence of this.

    By the way, I voted in a primary tonight. I had to present my ID. I thought of the crazy logic of the Left, as they defend voter fraud, that black people are incapable of presenting voter ID and that this requirement puts them at a disadvantage.

    The Dems, Holder's, etc stance in favor of voter fraud is evidence that they hate democracy, unfortunately. One reason I will never join that wing.... whatever my opinions of the Republicans.

  2. Holder caries his water24/7 and Valerie Jarret has his back.

  3. Voter turnout has actually increased in the states that have enacted these laws.

  4. Webb is definitely his own man-
    "questioned whether an overthrow of Saddam would “actually increase our ability to win the war against international terrorism” and pointed out that the measure of military success can be preventing wars and well as fighting them. He charged, “those who are pushing for a unilateral war in Iraq know full well that there is no exit strategy if we invade.” He concluded, “the Iraqis are a multiethnic people filled with competing factions who in many cases would view a U.S. occupation as infidels invading the cradle of Islam. … In Japan, American occupation forces quickly became 50,000 friends. In Iraq, they would quickly become 50,000 terrorist targets"
    -and also a pretty good author and genuine war hero. The antithesis of his Naval Academy
    classmate Ollie North, IMO.

  5. I see a criticism of Iraq policy devoid of the faith based assertions and character assassinations that come from the hard Left, and suck the oxygen out of the room on such discussions. Refreshing and compelling.


  6. Obama cant fire Holder....he would be facing an EEOC charge....


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