Saturday, August 23, 2014

On Why Free Trade is Good

Because it is better to trade goods and services than bullets, hand grenades, bombs, missiles, etc........Just as Europe after the first world war.


  1. Fascists hate trade, as do (closely related) jingoists, bigots, etc. The Pat Buchanan's and WD's of the world who think that the government should make our personal economic decisions for us... out of hatred and distrust concerning "the foreign".

  2. And we almost fought the Civil War 30 years earlier than we did because of tariffs. Bad shit, tariffs.

  3. Congress has the Constitutionally allowed privilege to declare war and invoke tariffs. This "right" should not be considered to be a duty or demand... equally for war and tariffs.

    It is preferable that both be avoided, and called for extremity rarely... if ever.


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