Friday, August 1, 2014

On Neoconservative Foreign Policy and Progressive Domestic Policy

When the only tool that you have is a lawnmower, everything looks like grass.


  1. Will, this is true of "big government" in general.

    When one is flush with infinite funds (the Federal ability to spend money that it doesn't have) and an entitlement / anointing of power (i.e. WD's claim that the government really is "we the people" and can do no wrong as such), the sky is the limit when it comes to the ruling elite being a giant drunken bull in the tiny china shop of our lives.

  2. And when all you have is a shovel, everything looks like shit.

  3. dmarks, there are exceptions of course (Scandinavian countries possibly), but it just seems that whenever a government gets too massive, imperialism abroad and repression at home have a tendency to accompany it.............I don't know, Jerry, shovels are a little more versatile than that, I think.

  4. Will, are those countries run on defecit spending too?

  5. My suspicion is that they'll all be facing a day of reckoning sooner rather than later.

  6. Checking this well researched article, as in so many things (unemployment, deficit, etc), Obama has made this worse than under Bush.

    That is, if you consider more military spending to be "worse".

    This includes Obama overseas war spending to be on average higher than Bush's spending.

    Looks like he is out-neoconning the neocons!

    The numbers only go through 2011, however. So I don't know if he got better or worse after this.

  7. Will said: "My suspicion is that they'll all be facing a day of reckoning sooner rather than later."

    Well, I did some research to answer my question. Norway tends to run significant budget surpluses. The others (Sweden and Denmark) have small deficits.

    I guess this makes things complicated for those of us who want to have a model like in Scandinavia.... we'd have to cut our Federal budget by a trillion a year to get to something like the fiscal responsibility shown i Norway.

  8. And Will, compare progressive Obamas's drone policy to Bush's. Perhaps the modern Progressives are worse than the neocons on both situations that you mentioned?

  9. I'm not sure what their demographic situation is but if it's anything like ours the long term fiscal realities might be a little more dire (than the short term ones).

  10. Actually, progressives have a fairly storied history of war-making when you consider TR and Wilson and so Obama just might be taking the bataan and running with the thing.

  11. I wonder why edge trimmers and hoes aren't more often considered.

    We live in a political reality of excess being the accepted norm.

  12. Exactly, Les, a tweak is sometimes all that's needed to repair something.

  13. We live in a political reality with lots of "hoes".


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