Tuesday, August 19, 2014

On MSNBC's Coverage of that Missouri Shooting

Not conclusion-jumping, racially divisive, anti-cop, sensationalized, and making-Sean-Hannity-look-halfway-fair-minded by-comparison enough.


  1. The sexually confused Chris Hayes got hit in the head with a rock last night....I think he started crying.

    MSLSD has no cred allowing Rev.Al going to race bait then host a show.

  2. There is so much leaping to conclusions without evidence/facts.

    Perfect example, is those who claim there is something racial about this shooting. This, based on their own racist preconceptions, and not on the facts of the incident.

  3. Maybe the cop is as guilty as sin, but I just find it kinda hard to believe that an individual with a spotless record would just suddenly decide to murder some young black kid in broad daylight with zero provocation.......And did you see the way that that kid was acting in the convenient store? He wasn't about to take shit from anyone.

  4. "And did you see the way that that kid was acting in the convenient store?"

    It'd be safe to guess that he was poorly raised, to think it was OK not to work for things, and to think he was entitled to other people's property (from his actions inside the store). A sense of entitlement, not of responsibility. Not to mention that he was intoxicated at the time.

    "Greedy and violent is no way to go through life, son."

  5. The handling of this was botched from the beginning by the police and other authorities.

    I see the this as being potentially as or more divisisive than T. Martin's death.

    You guys seem to rally around one side while criticizing the other for the same thing.

    If the shoe fits...


  6. It was released today that the officer suffered a fractured eye socket...hmmmmm

  7. Assuming this is accurate, and it may be, seeing as the officer had time to pull off 6 shots why not take out the knees rendering the alleged perp immobile rather than dead?

  8. And RN, where do you get "you guys" from? I've commented on the police riot troops going over the top before, but very little on Michael Brown.

    And yes, I was in my comment considering "if" the claim of a severe head injury to Brown was true. Which would mean Brown was trying to murder the cop.... in my view.

    Just like, in my view, I can't see any reason why the cop had to fire so many shots at the violent felon assaulting him.


  9. Great thought Les but I'd guess when you have an enraged 6'5" 310 pound man who just bashed the side of your face in coming at you for round two you shoot at the largest mass.

  10. Love the fucking spin guys. But in the end it remains spin designed to support the views that allow those who need it to assuage their inner demons.

    As violent as the "big thug" might be he could have and should have been brought down with shots to the knees and or ankles.

    Has it been established the perp had a knife, firearm, numbchucks?

    1. RN: I don't know if anything had been established. Isn't all of this just rumors?


  11. I'd say Les has never ever shot a pistol.....Les,its not like the movies...in that situation things are moving pretty damn fast and its difficult to ask the perp to hold still so you can shoot him in the knee. Think about what you're asking there RN.

  12. As usual you are again wrong Rusty. But that isn't important. You see police officers are trained and scored on accuracy.

    Yeah, I get what you're saying. Does not change my position.

    I doubt you will change yours either.


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