Wednesday, August 6, 2014

On Israel's "Disproportionate Response" in Gaza

It is NOTHING compared to what the North did to the South in the Civil War. It is NOTHING compared to what the U.S. did to the Plains Indians immediately after the Civil War. It is NOTHING compared to what the U.S. did in the Philippines at the turn of the century. It is NOTHING compared to what the British did to the Boers (never mind the Zulus) in the second Boer War. It is NOTHING compared to what the Belgians did in the Congo. It is NOTHING compared to what the British did in World War One with their hunger blockade of Germany (an act that caused the death of nearly 1,000,000 Germans - thank you, Winston!). It is NOTHING compared to what the British did in India in the years leading up to World War Two. It is NOTHING compared to what the Russians (another one of our World War Two friends) did to the Ukrainians in 1933. It is NOTHING compared to what FDR and Churchill did when they fire-bombed major metropolitan areas (sites with no strategic value) all throughout World War Two. It is NOTHING compared to what the French did in Algeria immediately after World War Two. It is NOTHING compared to what the U.S. did in Vietnam (under LBJ and Nixon) when they leveled entire villages just to kill one Viet Cong.....................................................................................Yes, Israel makes mistakes and, yes, perhaps they need to reevaluate their strategy. But for these folks to have to sit back and get lectured to by a bunch of pampered Americans and Europeans is more than enough to make this guy want to vomit.


  1. ... Yes, Israel makes mistakes and, yes, perhaps they need to reevaluate their strategy. But for these folks to have to sit back and get lectured to by a bunch of pampered Americans and Europeans is more than enough to make this guy want to vomit.

    Agreed Will. Check out the following comment by a Anonymous poster at a progressive blog just today...

    Anonymous said...
    The Arabs have been living in that land for thousands of years. It is home to 3 of the worlds largest religions.
    Where is the Arab State promised at the same time the western powers (victors of the recent WW) proclaimed the State of Israel?
    Then the US overthrows the democratically elected leader of Iran and installed the Shaw. Then we wonder why these people hate us.
    The world revolted against the imperialism of England, not just 13 colonies of America. Now America is the imperialist forcing its will on that area through its military might. Iran revolted against America and America continues to make new enemies.
    It has been the policy of multiple American presidents (republican and democratic) that Israel stop building settlements. Israel in effect has imprisoned the Palestinians and control their movement, killed innocent Arabs, and have been condemned by world organizations for their inhumane treatment, and all of this America backs with their military might. Were the Jews not terrorists when they bombed and killed to get England to leave? Good and evil are not so black and white, yet it's the Arabs who have been crowned the evil.


  2. Well, I have learned one thing. But I am not sure how Shaw's stint as dictator in Iran has affected how she runs her blog.

  3. Yep, ya get no argument from me on that one dmarks.

  4. here is another report of Hamas killing Palestinians.

    Hamas is far and away the greatest threat to the lives of Palestinian. And their livelihoods. I recently found out that they blew up their own power plant.


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