Thursday, August 21, 2014

On Colonel Ralph Peters Now Comparing the Obama Presidency to the Kremlin

Is there any level of hyperbole that this fucking schmuck WON'T descend to? Seemingly not.


  1. Putting your correct comment in a broader perspective... "Is there any level of hyperbole that the delusional far rightwing conservative/reactionaries WON'T descend to? Seemingly not."

    More appropriate methinks...

  2. Given Peters' campaign of intellectual perfidy while shilling for Fox News....I expect nothing less.

  3. And the thing is, Fox has actually made some decent strides over the past several years; Ed Henry, John Roberts, Howie Kurtz, Maria Bartiromo, etc.. It's kinda too bad that they still have assholes like this.

  4. Even in light of the current cable news business model - serving as a platform for both major parties at the expense of actual news - until Fox reduces their reliance on bringing in the same stable of Republicans to comment on every show and segments thereof, they are no better than MSNBC.

    1. Fox is still better than Rev.Moon's criminal cult, CI. Though for some reason you like to use Moon's newsletter as a news source.

  5. I give 'em the slight edge but your point is well taken.

  6. FOX, being the best at what it does is the "Clown Car" leader. And that folks is a fact.

  7. Two years ago I would have said that they were a tie but Fox has gotten better (through the people that I listed) and MSNBC has gotten worse (through the folks that THEY'VE hired; Sharpton, Harris-Perry, Chris Hayes, etc.) - much worse, I'm thinking.


  8. Once again RN is wrong,as usual.

    FOX news is soooooo much more balanced then MSNBC.Just take for instance the non story about "Bridgegate." They spent a month 24/7 trying to make that an issue.
    FOX at least has their share of lefties on air while MSNBC has zero conservatives.

    I suggest we start a pool and guess the exact date RN gets something correct.

  9. The Pew study, which I have linked to before, found Fox and MSNBC to be quite similar. And they did find MSNBC to be worse in the partisan bias problem. But not by a huge degree.


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