Monday, August 25, 2014

On Bombing those ISIS Scum-Bags

Well, being that everybody from the pope and Chris Matthews to Charles Krauthammer and Dick Cheney thinks that we ought to....................................................................................P.S. I could always counter of course with what Colonel David Hunt said to Bill O'Reilly the other night when he reminded our most "humble correspondent" that we have literally been bombing that God-forsaken country for going on a quarter of a century now and the fact that we're still talking about it as if it were some sort of a magic-bullet/cure-all really ought to tell us something, Jack.


  1. The politically driven memes and misinformation that fills the airwaves of cable "news" regarding Iraq, are legion.

    From the realities of the SOFA, to "leaving our equipment behind!" to "OMG, Obama says ISIL instead of ISIS!!!!"'s a wonder we can still manage a nation with this sort of ignorance.

  2. I guess you can bomb a country into democracy.... look at Japan and Serbia... but not always.

    Either that, or efforts in Iraq have been unusually clumsy and oafish, relatively. And always will be.

  3. I was really kinda hoping that Iran would step into the void and rescue their puppet, Malaki. That way they could take the bullets and we could just sit back and watch.

  4. We brought Iran into the void in 2003. Another aspect where the media has failed the nation, is not spending a single segment explaining the roots of the Badr, Dawa and ISCI.....who took over after the fall of Hussein.

  5. Piss be upon ISIS, and most especially upon the false Americans fighting with them. May death rain down upon them as well.

  6. I agree 1,000%, CI. I was against the Iraq War from day one and a lot of it had to do with that (the strengthening of Iran) along with my fear of a civil war (Bush apparently didn't even know the difference between a Sunni and a Shia) and my total disdain for nation-building. Rest assured, we are definitely on the same page.

  7. Russ and Les, I like the Kurds and wouldn't oppose in any way a) arming them or b) providing air assistance, but a full throated air campaign I'm not entirely certain about. I mean, think about it here, a total decimation of ISIS would greatly solidify Assad's position and do we honestly want that on our resume?

  8. Sure, you're both on to something . I've said for years Bush II simple destabilized the region. However, at this point so what. ISIS is here, it has a barbaric murderous agenda and it must be stopped. Hitler's evil is matched by ISIS.

    I'm no neo con hawk, but this shit cancer ain't gonna go away by playing nice with the scum. They're ultimately going to come after us. Most likely with a dirty nuke.

  9. Saddam the socialist dictator kept Islam from running amok in the area. That is a good thing, because Islam has absolutely no place in government, law, etc.

    However, his death toll was atrocious. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed. A death rate record that would have meant a lot more bloodshed than has happened since 2003 if he had kept his throne exactly as before.

    I agree mostly with what Will has suggested earlier. that a better solution would have been some sort of regime change, or major regime alteration in Iraq that would have ended the brutal socialist bloodbath of Saddam Hussein without the casualties, bloodbaths after, etc. Will mentioned Tariq Azis before, I think?


    Will, I agree with you on what you have said about the Kurds. Like Israel,they are an island of civilization in a sea of complete savagery. Relatively, anyway.

  10. I forgot the guy's name, dmarks, but there was this military guy who I saw on C-Span and he said that if our goal was to eliminate Saddam, we probably could have done it in a few weeks and that if we had then helped to install a fellow like Aziz, the bloodshed, too, would have been significantly less....At the very minimum, it sounded plausible.

    1. But of course it didn't happen, Will. Instead we got Rummy and all that. Bush broke it, but Obama embraced the situation and put his stamp on it, even saying how great it was, encouraging Maliki for 5 years.

  11. From a strategic standpoint, some
    military experts have noted that
    ISIS has no physical base, other
    than that carved out of part of Syria & Iraq. No country around
    there will offer shelter. (Potential rag-tag semi-civilized places like Somalia & Afghanistan are too far distant) From
    that standpoint, their destruction seems a bit simpler.
    The question is whether a coalition of major western powers and the mid-east countries can be
    built and would have the patience
    to stick to business. As for the 100 or so American ISIS, we should welcome them

  12. Freeing the terrorists from "Gitmo" was one campaign promise I think it was good Obama dragged his feet on.

  13. Bush made a big mistake in letting them out. Obama continued this mistake.

    Hopefully, the terrible idea of Obama's campaign promise to close Gitmo and release the terrorists will die a complete death. Quiet or otherwise.


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