Saturday, July 26, 2014

With Allies Like This

According to Adam Hochschild's book, "King Leopold's Ghost", the Belgians ended up slaughtering somewhere between 8 and 10 MILLION (many were shot, many more were worked to death as slave porters carrying hundreds of pounds of ivory and sap that was ultimately used for rubber products) Africans during their disgusting 20 year occupation of the Congo. To even imply that Belgium were one of the good fellas' during the first world war is uproarious and, me, I wouldn't have wasted one singular American soldier bailing their sorry asses out.


  1. The Age of Imperialism; and they
    said it was the white man's burden.

  2. I wonder how many little birds nested in that beard...

  3. Or maybe it might have been little rodents?


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