Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Most Curious Case of David Frum

Mr. Frum is an intelligent and reasonable man and was easily one of the smartest folks in the entire Bush administration. And yet it was him who wrote that idiotic "Axis of Evil" speech in which he perplexingly lumped together three countries (Iraq, Iran, and North Korea) that literally had nothing to do with each other and two (Iran and Iraq) of which had actually fought an eight year war against each other less than two decades earlier. What in the hell was David Frum thinking?...........................................................................................And like I had pointed out in an earlier missive, the U.S. had actually made a fair amount of progress with both North Korea and Iran prior to Mr. Bush having made this speech and to say that this was a poison pill is really putting it lightly, me-buckos.


  1. Probably writing for the only audience that mattered to him is what happened.

    Everyone has a boss, the template must be filled, and the agenda supported. No matter if it is BS. Politics ispolitics and it is what it is.

  2. Perhaps he was mildly clairvoyant. Iran and Iraq are virtually tied at the hip now. But I bet he didn't see US policy making that happen when he wrote the speech.

  3. Excellent point, Les. Kinda like with General Powell at the U.N., huh?............How ironic, hey CI? How totally frigging ironic.


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