Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Proof-Positive that the North Wasn't Motivated Primarily By Racial Justice

Try, the very instant that that conflict was over they immediately went on a full-bore genocidal killing spree against the Plains Indians and then followed that up with an even bigger genocidal killing spree in the Philippines. Motivated primarily by racial justice, these psychopaths - LOL!!!!!


  1. Oppsie, another little more information for Dervish of Oz to spin and weave into something that fits his template.

  2. wd is one of those people who claims to be against war, war crimes, and empire but who constantly spins for then when its his fellow's doing (the asshole even spun for LBJ and Vietnam which was quite possibly the most moronic war of them all).

  3. And, yes, just like a lot of the conservatives did with Bush and Iraq.

  4. Blind.partisans like Dervish of Oz hold with the "my ideology good, your's bad" mentality. And, this dude remains in boot licking lockstep devotion to the most progressive thought, no matter how idiotic, anti liberty, and failure bound it would be.

    A true believer that Dervish of Oz. It almost seems as if his life long goal is to recruit a horde of Lollipop Kids.

    Oy Vey!...

  5. WD is for racial injustice, anyway. In precious arguments, I strongly opposed any sort of racial discrimination against innocent individuals of any race/etc: be the victims Blacks, Natives, whites, Asians,Hispanic, Jews.

    He outed himself as a racist by insisting that racial injustice is justified in some cases. A distinct contrast from me, and others, who never think injustice is "justified" in any case, ever.

  6. Can't get into Dervish of Oz's mind so I can't be certain. but I betcha he thinks all whites are bigoted and should be punished, probably for eternity.


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