Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On Whether the Republican Party is an "Ideas Party"

Well, being that their last four standard-bearers have been Dole, Bush 2, McCain, and Romney, I'm probably going to have to vote ixnay on this one, folks (not that the Democrats have been appreciably better, obviously).


  1. If the GOP was a party of ideas, they wouldn't be in the state they are today. It doesn't really take much effort to counter the State-Creep from the left...but in regards to messaging, the right has been negligent at best and farcical at worst.

  2. No disagreement here. Although I personally liked Bob Dole.

  3. Oh, back in the day, way before 2008, I liked McCain when he really was a maverick.

  4. Put another way the republican party has constipated itself because it has become so partisan and ideologically driven by the right wing extreme element in the party it has lost the ability to reason.

  5. I agree, CI, and by the farcical element I'm assuming that you're referring here to Gohmert, Bachman, Palin, etc..............Yeah, Les, Dole was quite a decent man on many levels and I respected both him and McCain when they were at their finest (which obviously wasn't during their Presidential runs).

  6. Yep, Will...those are the primary culprits. Dole was a class act...and I too, was a borderline McCainiac, were I to vote GOP.

    Then, it all seemed to go off the rails.....

  7. Will: Dole had some major problems, including this one which you have written much about.


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