Thursday, July 3, 2014

On U.S. Foreign Policy Over the Past 64 Years

Not enough damned quagmires.


  1. Specializing in growing the MIC ever in search of the next police action, conflict, war, and keeping us mobilized no matter how unnecessary and lunkheaed stupid.

  2. As opposed to, Will, the period before, when the wars were, overall, a lot quicker, had many magnitudes more casualties (civilian and soldiers on both sides) and were often, unlike in the post WW2 period, imperial aggression (Phillipines, conquest of the American West, your description of the Civil War, etc) ?

    Which is better or worse?


  3. dmarks,its not just Americans.

    Human's are warlike people.

  4. To underscore your point, dmarks, during one of the Napoleonic wars the French lost over 500,000 men (in battle and from disease and starvation) in just a one year period during one of their Russia invasions.......And to answer your question, I guess that they're both pretty much worse.


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