Saturday, July 12, 2014

On the Assertion that Bowles-Simpson is a "Conservative Plan"

Only in the warped, psychotic, brain-diseased, and idiotic mind of a lunatic leftist douche-bag would anything even remotely along these lines even be considered. The fact of the matter here is that the ratio of spending cuts to tax increases in Bowles-Simpson is only about 1.4 to 1, and the only reason that it's even this high is because of interest apparently having been included. Compare this to the ratios of the ACTUAL conservative debt consolidation packages which have consistently put forth a cuts to revenue ratio of approximately 5 or 6 to 1......or even to that deal which Obama almost had with Boehner which was pretty damned close to 4 to 1 and, if anything, Bowles-Simpson is probably a little bit to the left of center. Of course, if you yourself are so brazenly to the left that you actually consider people like Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, Francis Boyle, and Bill Ayers as mainstreamers, and even go as far as to quote Joseph Stalin, you're probably going to think that pretty much anything is "conservative", I would think.


  1. Don't forget his defense of Noam Chomsky's pro-Khmer Rouge views. You left out one of the extremes.

  2. A rather colorful summing up I'd say.

  3. Yes, Mr. Chomsky should of course be included.............Thanks, Les, the spirit moved me for certain.

    1. Will... you can also remember WD's defense of Mao worshipper Van which WD equated Maoism to ending police brutality. I did look it up, and police brutality under Mao was, by the numbers, worse than anything in history.

  4. wd's Greatest Hits - we should make a damned album.

    1. Such a record would spin and spin and spin... and produce no sound of any worth.

  5. For those of you in East St. Louis, here's Simpson Bowles


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