Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Miserable 20th Century European Leaders - Volume 2; Kaiser Wilhelm the Second

This is the asshole who initially turned what should have been a small regional conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia into what was ultimately one of the greatest bloodbaths in all of human history (via the dude's alliance with/war guarantee for the former)......................................................................................And, no, his virulently bad judgement didn't stop there, either. In 1917, German chancellor, Theobald von Berthmann-Hollweg, put forth a peace resolution which passed in the Reichstag 212 to 126 and which stated that, "The Reichstag strives for a peace of understanding and a lasting reconciliation of peoples. Any violations of territory, and political, economic, and financial persecutions are incompatible with such a peace. The Reichstag rejects any plan which proposes the imposition of economic barriers (AKA, protectionism) or the solidification of national hatreds after the war." It was a very reasonable peace proposal and, while, no, we'll obviously never know for certain if the British or the French would have accepted it, the fact of the matter here is that the Kaiser (along, of course, with the German High Command) never let it get that far and hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of it. FUCK HIM.

1 comment:

  1. The Kaiser, in hindsight, wrote
    denying he had much control over the build up to the war. heh
    However, he resigned at the end of the war, sought refuge in Holland (which denied attempts to
    extradite him as a war criminal)
    and lived on to see the aftermath:
    the incipient WWII, dying in 1941.


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