Monday, July 28, 2014

A Quick wd Update

I haven't read a single solitary thing that this asshole has written in well over two months now (I put a book over the comments section and when I see his jerk-off name I immediately click, delete). And yet he still continues to send me not just dozens of submissions but hundreds. I think that we just have to face the fact here that this is one virulently sick mother-fucker who obviously has no other options (he obviously isn't working in that the dude sends me comments literally around the clock and, besides, who in his right mind would ever hire such an individual?) and so he has to irritate multiple fellow bloggers who continue to care not one iota what he "thinks" about anything. I mean, I know that the blogosphere (which is massive) is probably chock to the brim with folks just like this but I can tell you for a fact that after over 30 years in the human services arena, this is easily THE most fucked up individual that I've ever encountered by a lot. Here's to hoping that he eventually gets some help.


  1. This post of yours will easily inspire thousand word posts in his House of Canards blog ghost town... and 600 love letters to you that you will never read.

    I stopped reading the ones to me when he went on and on about Noam Chomsky's nude body with hundreds of words.

  2. The onslaught (with multiple handles) has already begun.

  3. ... it's a one-way bromance for the record books.

  4. Will, give the guy a break. It is after all that war criminal GWB's fault. That and the conservative and libertarian idiots are conspiring to destroy everything good about the USA, built by Bill Ayers extreme leftist ideology. Did I forget to mention Keith Olbermann and Van Jones?

    Having spent over 33 years in manufacturing management working with and COMPROMISING with people I can say with the assurance drawn from experience that wd is most assuredly one of a kind.

    Best approach? Humor and ignore.


  5. Willis Hart....dennis marks....lying lester......rusty shackelturd....a true band of WD haters....personally,Rusty thinks WD has gone off his meds...

  6. Iying lester is a creation of wd's fantasy mind at work. So Rusty, are you saying wd hates himself?

  7. This dude, he either doesn't believe me and thinks that I actually do read his nonsense OR he feels that I'll eventually break down out of curiosity. Either way he's wrong.

  8. Yeah, you're right Will. In the spirit of courtesy I extended my hand to Dervish and lifted my ban on his comments at Rational Nation USA believing he was trying to be reasonable. He responded by "biting my hand" so to speak.

    I won't be traveling down that path any further and will be joining your method of dealing with Dervish of Oz.


  9. RN,I think WD hates his position in life.

    It appears WD was standing on the corner waiting for the American Dream and it didn't stop for him....just tooted the horn and rode right past him.

  10. Well said Rusty, great way to frame the wd legacy.

    LMAO as well!!!

  11. Wow, Dervish of Oz has become quite... let's just leave it at delusional and perhaps suffering from drug induced hallucinations. That and he appears to have lapsed into aping those he hates.

    Also, Will, the dude has started talking with himself at SwTD. Dervish of Oz had taken his place at the table with the strangest and most misdirected souls of our era I think.

  12. Rusty said: "It appears WD was standing on the corner waiting for the American Dream and it didn't stop for him."

    It will happen.. and should happen... to those who expect to do a lousy job at $7.50 an hour starter jobs and expect to be paid $15 an hour for it.

  13. RN: Even his sock puppets have sock puppets.... lol.

    Recently, he said, I think at "Rational Nation", that he only treats people like people treat him.

    I'm willing to bet Keith Olbermann's yacht, though, that Will hasn't bombed WD's blog with hundreds of spam comments like WD has done to Will here.

    And when did I send WD dozens of homoerotic penis comments, to cause him to do such to me?

    Or when did Les create multiple fake/satire WD blogs as WD has done for Les?

    His delusions know no bounds....


    Will, do you think you can convince Sybil Sanders to only use his Barlowe personality?

  14. I kinda liked Barlowe and, so, yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing him again.......As for wd, I remember him telling Les that he wasn't going to leave any more "serious" comments if Les was simply going to delete them. Youza, huh?

  15. Will: Agreed. And no, it was not (as I suppose WD is leaving hundreds of messages claiming) because Barlowe was a conservative that we found him a welcome presence.

    No, it was because WD took care to craft his "Barlowe" character as a civil, well behaved fellow.

  16. wd is a serious nut case. I am sorry I un banned the dude. Oh well live and learn. He did submit comment post whining I re banned him and said he's doing his usual trash post because of it.

  17. RN: Expect lots of whining, homoerotica, hundreds of never-read messages, and maybe even a new sock puppet or two.

    Or maybe he will have everyone quaking in his boots with a new super exclusive blog forum similar to:

    but with even fewer, more elite "desirables", and so secret and exclusive that he never tells anyone.

    The ultimate revenge!


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