Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Concise Deconstruction and Dismantling of President Lincoln's Cockamamie Negro Colonization Scheme

"He (Lincoln) tries to accommodate himself to the vulgar prejudice of colour by taking for granted that the negroes must all go away somewhere. He openly declares that he hopes the free blacks will go away with the slaves, and he holds this out as the great recommendation of the (emancipation) plan to the citizens of the North....The people are, by Congress, to give money to buy a territory somewhere, outside of their own country; and there the four millions of the slaves are to be transported, with as many free blacks as can be induced or compelled to go with them. There they are to be colonised, at the expense, and by the care of the people of the United States. Such is Mr. Lincoln's pretended scheme...The four millions of negroes would be carried away from shelter and food, to be set down in a wilderness to starve....This looks like insanity." The British periodical, "Once a Week", February 1862, piece entitled, "The Slave Difficulty in America"..............................................................................And this dude is the greatest President in American history? Really?


  1. Lincoln also presided over forced relocation of American citizens due to their race/ancestry (mini "Trails of Tears"). Though in fairness, it will be hard to find a pre-WW1 President who did not.

  2. And.... "The four millions of negroes would be carried away from shelter and food, to be set down in a wilderness to starve....This looks like insanity"

    This is what Lincoln did, in smaller numbers, to the Sioux in Minnesota.

    Though his administration deprived them of food before this forced relocation: and this was the cause of the 1862 Dakota Uprising.

  3. And he wanted to hang all 300 of the Indian prisoners but because of a fear of how it would play back East he only hung 29 (still the biggest mass execution in U.S. history) - each after only a 5 to 10 minute trial.

  4. Will: That is shameful. Stalin could have done little different, right?

  5. Stalin would have probably killed all 300 but, then again, Lincoln was a vastly superior politician.

  6. Perhaps, based on all these killings (and also the economic fascism of his tariff policies), Lincoln would have made a good socialist?


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