Saturday, June 7, 2014

Yeah, Maybe We DO Need Some Gun-Control

Holding a gun to Stan's head and making him pay for Phil's hip replacement seems like such a morally untenable position and, yet, that is exactly what the socialist thugs have been advocating for close to a century now....Running out of other people's money, indeed.


  1. Better to voluntarily give it to big pharma....or just get sick and die.

  2. And very well stated, Will. Remember when a certain person loudly praised Stalin and his specifically statements of hating people who work hard and earn what they own.

    Stalin's ideology was based on appealing to such base emotions as greed and envy: the idea that the lazy don't have to work and create anything, and they are entitled to steal from those who bother to improve their lives and their situations.

    The successful appeal to these emotions, rallying people to hate the rich, Jews, or anyone perceived as having more, has resulted in more mass murders than anything else in history.

  3. " base emotions as greed and envy"
    ..considering the Russian peasantry, we may fairly add poverty and starvation. A desperate populace will turn to

  4. And after the triumph of socialism in Russia, the peasants starved in much greater numbers.

  5. The body-count during the Stalin era alone was in the tens of millions.

  6. But, but, but, we, the taxpayers have no problem spending our money (profusely) on ill advised millirary actions, billions in aid to other countries, subsidies to prop up business, millions upon millions in pork for some congressmen's district or senator's state, and more. YET... oh never mind, it's so simple it's complicated.

  7. And, we could revamp the tax code and nix the loopholes only the wealthy can use.

  8. First the Tsars, then Lenin & Stalin. Small wonder the record
    vodka consumption figures.

  9. BB: After the Tsars, there was a fledgling democratic government in Russia. It was this that Lenin overthrew, taking Russia backwards again, with even stronger autocracy than before.

  10. Anyway, tax revenues are close to an all-time record high. We don't need those in power to impoverish the people even more by helping themselves to even more of what isn't theirs.

    Those need to instead spend the money wisely. RN with "But but but" has a good start in questioning the waste. And yes, RN, I'm not fond of the sacred cows.


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