Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why Do You So Hate the Hungry People, Mr. Krugman?

Paul Krugman has it well within his power to send a big, fat, juicy check (try $105,000) to the New York City Food Bank TODAY. All that the guy has to do is take an hour or so of his time and debate Austrian economist, Robert Murphy (and, get this, Murphy is even willing to allow Krugman's fellow leftist, the irrepressible Ezra Klein, to moderate the thing). THAT'S IT. I mean, I know that he doesn't think that the Austrians are on a similar par to him and all but a) it's for charity and b) the fellow can't continue to have it both ways (on the one hand saying that they're marginal and on the other hand always criticizing them in his column)....It's really time to step up, Mr. Krugman.


  1. Waiting and watching. No, on second thought...

  2. I don't think Krugman, a sort of welfare queen who has gotten rich on government expense (and walking proof that we don't need to hike taxes... just cut waste) has to worry about getting anything juicy he wants to eat.


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