Monday, June 16, 2014

The Genius of Hamas

Here's a perfect example of how these assholes operate. Between the years 2006 and 2009, Hamas would frequently shell the gas stations in the Gaza strip and when the gas was extracted they would use this gas as one of the propellants (along with bug spray and various other household chemicals) in the numerous Kasam missiles that they had catapulted into southern Israel (they ended up launching approximately 7,000 of them during this period)........................................................................................Of course the real genius here is the fact that they knew fully well that the Israelis would respond to this act of virulent barbarism by restricting the flow of gasoline into Gaza and that the Israelis would ultimately be seen as the bad guys here. I mean, I know that it's as despicable as a human mind can possibly go and all but, still, you do have to give it to 'em, the lunatics.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is just a language problem... and when they see "Shell Gas Station", they see it as a military directive, and not as a placename. An innocent mistake. Give em a break, man!


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