Wednesday, June 4, 2014

On MSNBC's Ari Melber Claiming that Sergeant Bergdahl is Being "Swiftboated"

I dare this asshole to say that to the families of the six soldiers who lost their lives looking for this Bergdahl character.......And what in the hell is going on over at that network? I mean, I know that Fox has a fair-share of unsavory individuals in their own right but this stuff (the rantings of these guttersnipes; Schultz, Perry, Sharpton, Maddow, O'Donnell, etc.) is downright creepy.


  1. I think that MSNBC pursued a sad plagiarism of Fox, and has failed miserably. Not that I'm a fan of Fox, but when you're at the bottom of the dung've reached an historic low.

  2. If by "swiftboating" they mean letting credible accounts puncture a slick and fabricated PR narrative, as happened with Kerry, then by all means, swiftboat him.

  3. The saddest case of all, CI, is Matthews. I can remember when he was as close to down the middle as you could possibly get, but then along came Obama.............I'm not all that familiar with the Kerry case, dmarks, but when Michelle Malkin went on national TV and basically said that Kerry intentionally got wounded, I really thought that that salvo went WAY over the top.

  4. Will: The pure partisanship of the other side was excessive, too. But very real questions were raised about his cover story. And notice how Kerry's own book on Vietnam was kept out of print.

    I for one was more bothered by Kerry playing soldier at the Democrat Party's nominating convention.

    He was not "reporting for duty". I have great contempt for those who pay soldier in an attempt to fool and manipulate people, as Kerry did there.

    This sort of thing is OK only in movies.

    There are indeed some good reasons for the voters to have strongly rejected Kerry at the polls (not a landslide, but a strong defeat). One of those was his utterly irresponsible calls to increase the federal budget and deficit much much more than George W. Bush did.

    In terms of the budget, Kerry was a more like Obama (make the Bush debt problem seem small in comparison) than Clinton (who irresponsibly ran the debt up a couple of trillion dollars, but still not as bad as Bush).


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