Monday, June 30, 2014

On Harry Reid

Doesn't spew the words, Koch brothers, enough.


  1. Does he spew the words George Soros enough?


  2. Dingy Harry will be history in Nov..

    He should have been gone the last cycle if the party had not run that Engle nincompoop.

    Harry will be relegated to Pelosi territory after this years election.

    The drawback will be we will have to listen to Mitch.

    Would'nt it be good fun if they made crazy Ted Cruz Senate Majority Leader,Obama might start smoking again.....smoking crack.

  3. Who cares? All three dudes are set for any contingency, even their mystical journey to eternity, wherever that my end up.

  4. My favorite is that crazy douche-bag from CA who wants to spend some $100,000,000 on getting politicians to build even more windmills (an energy source that only gives you about a watt per square meter, constantly needs a fossil fuel backup, and which is so damned far off the charts in terms of resource intensity that it is literally almost off the charts - look to the far upper right-hand corner).


  5. Poor RN,he should consider uprooting and moving to Iceland.I mean the guy is so damn frustrated with our political situation.Hell Gary Johnson is never going to get elected to dog it may be time for Lester to stop bitching and moaning about both the R's and D's and pack up his crew and hit the road.

  6. Not going to happen RS, not going to happen. I'll continue to do what I do. If it bothers you go knit, quilt, or crochet.


  7. What exactly is it that you do Lester? I mean other then bitch and an old lady.

  8. Frankly it is not your business what I do. I suggest you worry about what you should be doing.ShackelTurd.

  9. dmarks, I'm thinking Don Quixote but with a much bigger bank account.


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