Wednesday, June 25, 2014

On Hamas Launching Rockets at Israeli Women and Children While Hiding Behind Their Own Women and Children

That kinda sounds like a double war-crime to me and, while, yes, I understand that the Israelis have retaliated and killed some Palestinians in response, I can't come up with one single other country that wouldn't have done exactly the same thing? I mean, can you even begin to imagine if the Kurds had started lobbing rockets into Iran, or if the Taiwanese had started lobbing rockets into mainland China? Hell to pay doesn't even begin to describe the thing.


  1. it is clear of course that the aggression is one way

  2. There are many who defend Hamas' specific and explicit goals of killing every Jew in Israel as anti-Zionist, not antisemitic, which makes it OK.

    Those who buy into this update of Nazi ideology include Frances Boyle, Noam Chomsky, and Norman G. Finkekstein.

  3. I'm not as familiar with Boyle but I know for a fact that Finkelstein and Chomsky routinely lie and they aren't exactly white lies, either (that last debate that Chomsky had with Dershowitz was totally off the charts).

  4. Speaking of Boyle, though, I normally don't care what wd thinks but could you ask him if he agrees with Mr. Boyle that Eric Holder should be impeached? I would actually be very curious of his opinion on THAT.

  5. Will said: "I'm not as familiar with Boyle..."

    You should be. In reference to the atrocities of the top of this post, Boyle has called for was crimes tribunals. Not against Hamas, but against the victims of this attempted genocide, the Israelis.

    And you mentioned Dershowitz? He has fought back against Boyle also... and Boyle ended up labeling Dershowitz specifically as a war criminal for being outspoken against killing off Jewish people.

    But we all know that Boyle passes out evidence-free accusations of war crimes like lollypops, and the World Court/etc laughs him off.

    And then there is Boyle's version of the racist reverend's "Hymietown" moment... when Boyle wrote calling Israel "Jewistan", and spoke lovingly of the day when the territory might someday become free of Jewish people.

    WD in particularly supportive of this last bit: he used to go on and on about the distinction between hating Jews and hating "zionists"... the latter being OK and completely different, according to him. Even when the "anti-Zionist not antisemite" in question, Francis Boyle, vents his hate against Jewish people (not just the ok-to-kill "Zionists") specifically in his writings.

    Can you imagine the firestorm of controversy if a white US Republican did something similar to what Boyle did, and wrote lovingly of a future in which the US was free of racial minorities?

    Oh, and Boyle is a passionate defender of Hamas and its efforts, and is one of the few in the free world who supports Iran's nuclear bomb building program.

  6. Also, I have enough to disagree with Rahm Emanuel about, in particular his corrupt left-wing politics.

    However, Boyle has a bone to pick with him, and it is as one might expect. In 2010, he said ""Obama was bought and paid for by Zionists. That's why Rahm Emanuel was his chief-of-staff, until just recently, when he decided to run for mayor of Chicago. Emanuel was bought and paid for to be put in there..."

    Basically, he hates Rahm because Rahm is Jewish.

    Isn't that some of the craziest crap you've ever read, that Obama is controlled by a [code-word, cough] Jewish conspiracy?

  7. And this (along with Chomsky, Ayers, Sanders, etc.) is one of wd's go-to guys? Youza.

  8. Oh, and lets' not forget about Stalin. He seems to like quoting him as well.

  9. Yeah, Will, not only does he defend Boyle, but he defends Boyle's golden dream of Jews on the run as being anti-Zionist, not antisemitic.

    Thinking more on this statement by Boyle: "Some Jews will remain in [conquered Israel] either voluntarily or involuntarily. Palestine and the Palestinians will treat the remaining Jews fairly.""

    I do wonder what he means by Jews remaining in the cleaned territories "unvoluntarily". I can't think of any other answer than Boyle's iron dream including prison camps for Jews.

    As for Stalin, remember that WD not only defended Stalin, but he defended a truly terrible statement by Stalin that was part of the justification for the worst, or second worst, mass murders in human history.


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