Monday, June 23, 2014

On Georgia Tech Climatologist Judith Curry's Recent Senate Testimony

Having this woman try to communicate (complicated topics, no less) with dullards like Sheldon Whitehouse and Barbara Boxer had to have been one of the more Kafkaesque moments in the entire history of the Senate. I only wish that I was there to witness the spectacle.


  1. When talking about ignorant government officials it has to begin with Jen Psaki of the State Dept..

    How the hell do twits like her get a job as "State Department Spokesperson?" Google her and you will get a good laugh.

    The Russian's now refer to saying something absolutely stupid as Psaking.

  2. I wondet if it can be found on YouTube? I admit to not following this closely. I leave it to the climate scientists and the armchair climatologists to dope it out.

  3. I don't know, Russ, connections maybe? It certainly couldn't be anything meritorious.............Les, her introductory comments can be found on Youtube (douch-bag Whitehouse tried to cut her off at the end probably because his already mad-up mind simply couldn't handle the encroachment) but not the q and a.


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