Thursday, June 26, 2014

On Fox News's Resident Neocon Douche-Bag, Colonel Ralph Peters, Calling President Obama a "Coward"

That was way, WAY, over the line. I mean, I know that the President has made some miscues over the years and we should be holding him responsible but to get THAT personal over it, I'm sorry (let's face it here, folks, calling an individual a coward is about as close to calling him a traitor as you can get). And, yes, props to Colonel David Hunt (another Fox military analyst) for calling Mr. Peters on it tonight and by showing us that there still are at least a few folks with integrity over there.


  1. But Will, the agenda, the agenda, the agenda, the agenda... and so on and so forth.

  2. Peters is one harsh opinionated dude. He also wrote that the XI
    Corps didn't fold at Chancellorsville. He sums his
    POV- "The de facto role of the US armed forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing." Yep, Will,
    neocon douche-bag is about as kind as we can be.

  3. I may criticize the President for being lazy at his job, or for pushing for many bad ideas. But I surely would not call him a coward.

    He fought hard for, and has stuck with, the most dangerous job in the United States.

    And on top of the real physical danger of a position where one in ten is murdered on the job, he has to put up with the constant criticism from political opponents, Limbaugh on the air, etc.

    No coward he, no coward anyone who runs for President.

    He's no coward.

  4. And I really do like this Hunt guy - definitely NOT a neocon.


  5. Well.........I think Obama is a bit of a wimp.I know Will will retort about all the drone strikes,but really drone strikes are not looking your foe in the eye.

    Putin bitched slapped Obama.....Asaad bitch slapped there any world leader who has any fear of our president?
    If there is...please name them.

    As a strong leader....Obama is a really good community organizer.

  6. Russ, your friend, Bill O'Reilly, say that we should at least have some respect for the office and I tend to agree.......And I think that bin Laden got looked in the eye before they executed him.


  7. Whoa there cowboy.....I have the utmost respect for the office,I just have no respect for the incompetent place holder who occupy's it at the moment.

    As a president..he is a very good community organizer.

  8. Russ, I defended Bush (speaking of incompetent) against charges of being a war criminal and I defended McCain (who never quite made it but who tried like hell) of charges that he conspired with the North Vietnamese (that's how my relationship with Lydia and her 3 lunatics started). All that I'm doing here is defending Obama against charges (leveled by a neocon ass) that the man's a coward, nothing more, nothing less.


  9. I fully agree that Ralph Peters was totally out of line and props to O'Reilly for putting him in his place..."coward" is a really bad choice of words.

  10. Especially when it is false, completely and totally.


  11. Is RN an Obama jock sniffer?

    Looks like the FCFB put a pod under his bed.

  12. Looks like ShackelTurd enjoys displaying his uncouth as well as his ignorance.


  13. Are you saying ole Rusty is uncouth along with being ignorant?

    I'm sorry Lester but Rusty is a Jersey Boy and we are known far and wide for being uncouth....and truth be known,we wear it well.

    As for being ignorant....I've done pretty well in life....I hope our CEO doesn't realize that I'm ignorant.


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