Friday, June 6, 2014

My Level of Concern for Bergdahl

Right now it's about a 2. I'm much more concerned about the families of the six soldiers who died while looking for him and all of the potential be-heading victims of the five miscreants/war-criminals that it took to release the fellow. That, and it's exceedingly difficult to prove desertion as opposed to "simply" being AWOL. My suspicion here is that the dude is going to be just fine.


  1. I have no concern FOR Bergdahl per se. My concern is the principle of the matter. Bring him home, interrogate him, or more accurately give him the chance to have his say. Then, if it is deemed there is cause for charges to be brought against him let the trial begin. And let Justice American style be meted out.

    Hannity and some others are making me sick and ashamed of what America is being driven to by these assholes and those like them.

    Brooks, Krauthammer, McCrystal, et all have it EXACTLY right.

  2. I agree with the principle of not leaving anybody behind but is isn't "at all cost" and on this deal I agree with Panetta, Gates, Hillary, and Clapper that maybe the cost on this one was a smidge too high.

  3. I've never argued that we shouldn't have tried to repatriate Bergdahl....but the latest investigation and hopefully Court Martial, will be somewhat of a the 15-6 investigation in 2009 already had proven that he deserted in a time of war. This offense, under Article 85, is punishable by death.

  4. Exactly, CI. The CIA already has a huge file on this fellow and if there was any sort of plausible defense we'd have totally heard it by now.

  5. I'll just go along with a fellow vet on the issue .

  6. I'm not trying to say that it was the worst Presidential decision in history or anything like that but when you apparently had Panetta, Gates, Hillary, and Clapper all saying that we probably could have gotten a better deal I do have some pause here....... And that Rose Garden ceremony, no. No.

  7. Panetta, Gates, Hillary were gone by the time the decision-making came to a head: it was the old dictum. 'the buck stops here'. IMO, the easy way out was to let it ride. As for Bergdahl, as near as I can tell, he was an unusual sort, wandering away during stateside training and again prior in Afghanistan. My guess, he imagined himself as sort of a
    touristy type, maybe thinking naively that he could start some sort of low level understanding?

  8. The only reason that it came to a head is because the President wanted to take the focus off of the V.A. fiasco. And if Mr. Bergdahl had wanted to be a tourist he could have volunteered for the Peace Corps, the American Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, or the Salvation Army (he might even have made Colonel there).

  9. That is pretty cynical, considering the history of VA operations.

  10. Will: I am skeptical about that as well. Why take attention off of one his own scandals by creating another scandal?


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