Thursday, June 12, 2014

Please, take a minute or two out of your busy schedules and watch this. It underscores as much as anything that I've ever seen the absolute depravity that the Israelis are up against.


  1. By the way, how is blocking WD's love letters with a piece of paper going? Surprised you aren't using Charmin... which has been doing that sort of job for generations.

  2. You have no idea how much better life has gotten......And you're right, Charmin would undoubtedly be much more appropriate.

  3. I guess that he doesn't believe me. I just deleted 35 more of his missives and I didn't see a single word.......Maybe he's just trying to inconvenience me and how thoroughly pathetic is that?

  4. So, what is it like playing Jodi Foster to WD's Hinkley?

  5. 219 comments this morning. Not a word read, all deleted.

  6. It's his life. All of it, apparently. Who are we to judge?


  7. That nut left you over 200 comments in a day? Jesus Christ,that boy is over the edge.

  8. He did that type of thing last Christmas to me, including a version of "The Night Before Christmas" with graphic b*ttsex in it. That is when I learned blocking methods myself.

  9. Hopefully it was just one message sent 219 times - for his sake, I'm saying.

  10. Best not to find out more about his compulsive comment-wanking. I used to read it, but stopped ages ago.

  11. Best not to find out more about his compulsive comment-wanking. I used to read it, but stopped ages ago.

  12. wd, a subject any psychologist or psychiatrist would love to have as a patient. Great research would most likely occur shedding more light on an undoubtedly dark individual.

    He suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder methinks.


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