Monday, June 9, 2014

Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee (With Apologies to Mr. Petty)

Tens of millions of people (including 500,000 Middle-Eastern Jews) had to be relocated after WW2; Poles, Germans, Pakistanis, Indians, Vietnamese, etc., etc. and the only group that wasn't successfully integrated back into society was the Palestinians (many of who were actually Egyptians, Syrians, and Arabs from other countries). What does that tell you, people? It tells me that the Arab and Muslim countries of that region could give a rat's ass about the Palestinians (Black Sunday, case in point) and that the entirety of their motivation is pure unadulterated hatred of the Jews. I mean, yeah, I'd like to see a lasting peace over there as just much as anybody but, man.


  1. From a contextual historical standpoint, it is a bit of an odd
    brotherly quarrel:
    "Genetic analysis suggests that a majority of the Muslims of Palestine, inclusive of Arab citizens of Israel, are descendants of Christians, Jews and other earlier inhabitants of the southern Levant whose core may reach back to prehistoric times. A study of high-resolution haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial portion of Y chromosomes of Israeli Jews (70%) and of Palestinian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same chromosome pool" Can we blame their Canaanite origins?

  2. That's what drives me crazy as well and if you look at a lot of the old graves and structures you'll see both the star of David AND the Muslim crescent.

  3. The Palestinians should just apologize for trying to imitate the Nazis, and devote their lives to productive concerns instead of finishing the Holocaust.

    Killing people for the "crime" of being Jewish is still "job-one" for so-called moderate Palestinian leaders


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