Thursday, June 26, 2014

And They Say that the Right is "Anti-Science"

President Obama said this in 2008 (yes, he was just a candidate back then); "We've just seen a skyrocketing autism rate. Some people are suspicious that it's connected to the vaccines, THIS PERSON INCLUDED. The science is inconclusive, but we have to research it." He was wrong (in fact, we've known since 2002 that the vaccines are fully safe). He was exceedingly wrong and to hear a Presidential candidate speak so ignorantly is embarrassing. I'm sorry.


  1. Taken as a group the right is more anti science than centrists or liberals. It is also more faith centered.

  2. The Left's accusation of the Right being anti-science is valid when it comes to the Right's connection to creationism.

    Beyond that, there is no truth to the claim.

  3. It seems Obama tends to waffle
    on the issue. Typical politician.

  4. RN: I mean no more truth to being anti-science than the Left is.

    Outside of the theological crap, of course (creationism, gay, etc).

    I understand if you claim that is one huge caveat....

  5. Well, there are some scientific minded perfectly logical and reasoning people on the right. I happen to know this to be true.

    Having said that, It is quite clear the pro science types on the right are most decidedly not attracted to politics and government. Just look at the dimwits that make up the red side of Congress, and yeah you're right, they is creationists, think religion has a place in government, and god assigned the USA and Israel special status among all people ans nations. And, climate change is all bunk because everyone knows god is in charge of the climate, indeed the universe and so all is well. Not to fear, we're in good hands will Allgod.


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