Friday, June 6, 2014

A Quick Off-the-Cuff Comment on the Republican Party

They really need to knock it off with anti-gay-marriage bullshit. I mean, it's 2014, for Christ sakes, and if they ever do hope to win the Presidency again....


  1. This is something I've said ever since I migrated to the Libertarian Party.....if the GOP refuses to embrace and OWN the civil liberties issue....they will always scratch and claw for alternating and dubious parity with the Democrats.

    Take away the one issue from the left, that speaks to the core of individual liberty, and will also [possibly] bring some Libertarians on board.....or continue to dwell in the gutter of your making.

  2. I'm not a member of the Libertarian Party (yet) but I did vote for Johnson and continue to feel good about it (and I of course agree with what you just stated).

  3. If you do cross over to the dark side, be prepared to have scorn heaped upon you by denizens of both major parties, each one calling you a cretin of the 'other'. If the labeling is not particularly scornful, you'll be conveniently packaged as an 'independent'....because the politico-media complex has indoctrinated the nation to believe that one can only be a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent [often also labeled as 'undecided'].

    But I'm probably not telling you anything you didn't already know, and I'll back off of my soapbox now.

  4. CI, on this point I am in complete agreement. Further, I affiliate with no party but will continue to vote Libertarian if the candidate is qualified IMO.

    Neither the democratic or the republican party has the right "blend" IMO.

  5. I've actually taken a fair amount of heat already (mostly from the left as they apparently see me as a turncoat - as a former registered Democrat, albeit blue-dog). Fun, isn't it?

  6. And I third it, for certain.......Hey, Les, how 'bout a Huntsman/Bayh or a Bayh/Huntsman unity ticket, something like that? It would at least be interesting, no?

  7. I like Huntsman, Bayh, maybe.

    But I'm still hoping Johnson makes another run at it.

  8. Johnson gives the Libertarian Party some creds.

  9. Actually, Johnson/Huntsman would probably be the best of all with maybe Bayh in a cabinet position (along with some other sane Democrats such as Jim Webb who would have been a much better AG than this bozo, Holder).

  10. I bet that we could even get Rusty on board with folks like this.


  11. I'm from the William F.Buckley school of for the most conservative candidate WHO CAN WIN.


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