Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Climate of Extortion

Global warming skeptic, Lord Monckton, had a 2007 article (on climate sensitivity/feedbacks) published in "Physics and Society" and in a very short period of time the two individuals who approved the piece were canned. Yep, that's what we're up against here, people (Mann and Jones also tried to get the editor of "Geophysical Research Letters" shit-canned and veteran climatologist Patrick Michaels's PhD revoked - nice guys!!). Anybody who even attempts to go against the grain on this is either going to get smeared, harassed, or both. Thankfully, there are still a handful of established scientists and researchers whose integrity and credentials are such that these folks simply aren't going to be intimidated, silenced, etc.; people like Richard Lindzen, Judith Curry, Roy Spencer, John Christy, Will Happer, and David Evans....Oh, and as far as that Monckton piece goes, his theoretical assertion that a doubling of CO2 will get you somewhere between a .5 and a .8 degree Celsius temperature increase has pretty much been spot on and so maybe they need to hire those two fellows back.

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