Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Death of the Peaceniks

Unlike some people who claim to be anti-war and pro-civil-liberties but who shamelessly and reflexively support pretty much anything that their fellow initiates, I truly am. And, yes, I am in fact referring to Abe Lincoln again; the fact that the dude didn't just wage war (a war, mind you, that killed or maimed close to 5% of the total population and of which also destroyed nearly half of the country's wealth) but all-out total war. I cite specifically the fact that under his auspices, Union soldiers killed civilians, plundered and confiscated private property (a large percentage of these victims having never owned a single slave), raped women (a large chunk of them slaves), and burnt to the ground entire cities...........................................................................And, no, it wasn't as if his behavior to the north was any more enlightened. The man imprisoned citizens (by the thousands) merely for speaking out against the war, closed down newspapers that criticized him, ordered the largest mass execution in the history of America (38 Santee Sioux who were all strung up after five minute trials and virtually no defense), suspended the writ of habeas corpus, and even had a Congressman (whose major offense was having the temerity to disagree with his government's policies) deported to Canada.............................................................................I'm telling you here, folks, while I had always more or less thought that Nixon and FDR were the two most fascistic Presidents in American history, I realize now that that assessment was incoreect. It is Lincoln - by a mile.


  1. Why I have maintained "Honest" Abe was the USA's first great statist. Nice to see another convert.

  2. He did what Hamilton could only dream about.

  3. Naw, the only president to lead US troops into combat personally]
    against US citizens was George Washington (who also received free
    60.000 prime acres on the Ohio River some years prior from the Brits for killing Shawnee. They
    all have their warts, these guys.

  4. Actually, I'm not a huge fan of any President prior to Cleveland, BB. Big warts, indeed.

  5. RN: What can be more statist than a President policies ranging from complete ethnic cleansing (Jefferson) of the Native Americans due to race, to genocide against them (Jackson)? Genocide, is, to me, the crown jewel of the devil's tiara of evils of the state.

    (And yes, I am counting ethnic cleansing as genocide, considering the conversations with WD in which he defended "Frances" Boyle's idea of wiping out Jewish Israelis through dispersion as long as none were killed in the process.

    Looking at the Native American issue, most of those guys were "great statists".


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