Wednesday, April 16, 2014

On Right-Wing Pundit, Monica Crowley, Discussing Civil Liberties

It had all the sincerity of Louis Farrakhan selling matzo balls.


  1. Those (on the left) who blow their stack bashing you for criticizing liberals are quite blind to your major and equal criticism of conservatives.

  2. Would that be blind eye partisanship?

    Or is it simply disdain for a particular delivery method that (O)CT(O)PUS takes issue with?

  3. Shaw, two. The forgotten banned guy, three.

  4. Not familiar with Ms. Crowley, so
    I had to do a quick search. Her
    sister, Jocelyn, is a PolySci prof
    at Rutgers, apparently the liberal in the family, and is married to Alan Holmes. 'nuff
    internecine intrigue for me...


  5. Octopus is a pompous blowhard.He never ventures from liberal echo chambers where the minions view him as some sort of sage. His postings remind me of his beloved president all talk no substance and Octo is as weak as the guy in the white house.

    You would never see Octo or the FCFB here....neither could take the heat.

  6. Yeah, sure Rusty. More like they just don't enjoy pissing into the wind over and over again. Something about the definition of insanity.

    And Will, the forgotten banned guy deserves top billing for having extreme psychotic delusions. That and lying pathologically.

  7. It's probably a combination of the 2, Les (though I must confess to not particularly caring for his delivery - and penchant to use the race-card, either).

  8. As for the forgotten guy, I remember back when he and dmarks were calling each other racist and I tried to be the peace-maker, saying that I didn't think that either of them were racist and that they were just disagreeing on politics - the forgotten guy's response to that was, yeah, you got it, he started calling ME a racist.

  9. Yep, what's his name, you know. the dude with that new fake blog, definitely doesn't believe in using mirrors.

  10. He has yet another fake blog???


  11. Hell.....I thought that was RN's new blog....I thought he was Lying Lester......maybe its Octo or the FCFB.....


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