Saturday, April 19, 2014

On Moses (Charlton Heston) Making Out with Queen Nefertiti (Anne Baxter) in "The Ten Commandments"

Is that in the Bible?


  1. .....thou shall not over act.....

    I wonder if they had to pry her out of his hands?

  2. The bible places the Exodus in
    1446BCE (based on some 480+ years before the Temple of Solomon. That is roughly 4-5 generations prior to Nefertiti,
    wife of Akenhaton. (1370-1330BCE) Archeological evidence is scant to non-existent; some placing Moses, based on the earliest Hebrew finds in Palestine
    abound 1250-1200BCE (5-6 generations after Nefertiti.
    So, we can't be sure, and it
    can be a can of worms for those
    that study such things. Just to
    be on the safe side, I'll go along with Anne and Charleton.

  3. That's the G rated version. They left the real good stuff out. :-)


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