Wednesday, April 2, 2014

On the Geneva Conventions of 1863, 1906, 1929, and 1949

I strongly support them and condemn any world leader who violates them. Period.


  1. Off topic, Will.

    Have you been following this?

    Gawker’s Adam Weinstein Wants to Put You in Jail for Being a Climate Change ‘Denier’

    Another pseudo-scientific Torquemada has reared his ugly head. My earlier analogy comparing the tyranny of the faith-based man-made global warming community (vs scientists) to the middle-ages Vatican is getting stronger.

  2. Tiny specks on the crust of a giant planet that is 70% water (underneath of which resides hundreds of thousands of underwater volcanoes), filled to the brim with trillions of tons of molten rock, and which is energized by a monstrous star, somehow controlling the earth's thermostat via the tweaking of a trace gas is about as crazy as it gets, dmarks, for sure.


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