Sunday, April 13, 2014

On Congressman, Paul Ryan

Well, I know that we're not SUPPOSED to like him.


  1. I realize Will and I are the only posters here who have a strong interest in sports.

    BB has a mild interest.

    dmarks....not so much

    RN would rather play first trumpet then watch a sporting event.

    Nothing wrong if you have no interest in sports......after all...its America.

    But to watch Manny beat the smart mouth off Tim Bradley last night.

    And then watch Bubba Watson a guy from Bagdad Florida whose mother had to work two jobs so young Bubba could learn the game of golf win his second Master's Green Jacket in front of his wife abd adopted son.......priceless...

    Did I mention Bubba and his wife are devout Christians.

    A Great Day of Sports.....

    even if you don't like sports,

    1. The more Barkley around, the more I am interested.

    2. Actually RS I literally played first trumpet in both orchestra and band through Jr. High and High school.

      Further, how do you know I don't watch sporting events? Another of your erroneous assumptions?

  2. WHY? Because he is not Obama like?

  3. So, what do you think of those calling him a pure Objectivist and social Darwinist?

    1. He's neither an Objectivist or social Darwinist. That is simply progressive hyperbole.

  4. I'm kind of lukewarm on Ryan. I like the fact that he wants to send a lot of these programs back to the states where they could probably be run better and the fact that he wants to reform Medicare (a program that has grown at a rate 8 times faster than was expected) but he seems a little too willing to give the Pentagon a blank check. Overall, I'd probably give him about a B/B-.

  5. Pacquiao's looked pretty darn sharp in his last 2 fights, Russ. Still wish that he'd retire, though, before he turns into another Ali (brain injured and with Parkinson's).


  6. Like a lot of boxers Pacquiao has money problems.....he owe's the Filipino government,which is one of the most corrupt in the world over 20 million in back taxes.

    I'll say this....Manny is still a great live draw,he filled the MGM up to capacity Saturday.


  7. As far as Ryan is concerned....jury is still out.

    I still remember him letting a village idiot like Joe Biden slap him around in the debate.

    It's tough backing a former insurance salesman turned politician.

  8. Yeah, Russ, I was shaking my head after that debate, too (totally unimpressed with both participants).............Hey, Les, I was a big Kenny Wheeler fan back in my early 20s. He was really underrated, I thought.

    1. Great blues, the guy played a mean Flugelhorn and a decent trumpet.

      My favorite, and I referred to him as 'Chairman of the Board" was Canadian Maynard Ferguson. He started out with the Stan Kenton orchestra and moved out on his own from there.

      You may now him best from his Rocky theme song. My favorite was his Give It One, a 1970 recording If I'm rememdering right


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