Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Another Gem from "Bully Boy"

"I suppose I should be ashamed to say that take the Western view of the Indian. I don't go as far as to think that the only good Indian is a dead Indian, but I do believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth." Teddy Roosevelt, 1886.............Yeah, he was a product of his time, but the way that the dude framed that first sentence is telling, I think.


  1. I guess the historical anti-Indian
    feeling was that they stood in the way of progress: they occupied land. The humorist Dave Barry sums up the US history of
    “Thus the white men and Native Americans were able, through the spirit of goodwill and compromise, to reach the first in what would become a long series of mutually beneficial, breached agreements that enabled the two cultures to coexist peacefully for stretches of twenty and sometimes even thirty days, after which it was usually necessary to negotiate new agreements that would be even more mutual and beneficial, until eventually the Native Americans were able to perceive the vast mutual benefits of living in rock-strewn sectors of South Dakota.”


  2. .....or we could always give them a casino.....or two.....

  3. And you only have to be 10% Native-American; 1/8 - yes, 3/32 - no.


  4. In Washington state there is a "tribe" that had a total on 12 members,they got a license and Japanese money to build one of the biggest casino's in the state.The state of Washington gets absolutely zero from the,thanks to the former (D) governor.

  5. The only tax that he didn't like, I'm assuming.


  6. In your state Will, Foxwoods contributed over 600 million a year to the state....last time I looked.

  7. I knew that it was a substantial amount (Mohegan Sun also) and that a lot of it goes to education. Thanks for pointing this out, Russ.


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